Go String

Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn about Go string type and how to manipulate strings effectively.

Introduction to Go string

ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) uses 7-bit integers (0-127) to encode 128 specified characters including English letters (both uppercase and lowercase), digits (0-9), control characters (newline, carriage return), and special symbols (punctuation marks). Each character in the ASCII character set fits in one byte.

Unicode uses 4 bytes to support characters from all writing systems, which is much more comprehensive than ASCII.

But we don’t want to use 4 bytes to encode every character in programs. To make programs more efficient, we use UTF-8 (Unicode Transformation Format – 8 bit) with a variable-width encoding for encoding Unicode characters.

UTF-8 uses 1 to 4 bytes to represent a character:

  • 1 byte for characters in the ASCII range.
  • 2 to 4 bytes for other characters.

UTF-8 is more efficient because it uses one byte for ASCII and 2 to 4 bytes for other characters.

In Go, strings are sequences of bytes that are typically encoded in UTF-8. Additionally, strings are immutable. It means that once they are created, they cannot be changed.

Go strings can include Unicode characters, which makes them very flexible for handling text from various languages.

Declaring string variables

To declare a string variable, you use the var keyword, variable name string type:

var message stringCode language: Go (go)

In this example, we declare the message variable with the type string. The message variable takes the “zero value” as the default value, which is an empty string "".

You can declare a string variable and initialize its value at the same time:

var message string = "Hi"Code language: Go (go)

In this example, we declare the message variable and initialize its value to the string "Hi".

Inside a function, you can use the short variable declaration syntax to make the code more concise:

message := "Hi"Code language: Go (go)

Creating string literals

In Go, string literals have two forms: plain and raw string literals.

  • Plain string literals are enclosed in double-quotes. They can include escape sequences. Go converts these escape sequences to their corresponding characters. For example, \n for newline, \t for tab, \\ for backslash.
  • Raw string literals are enclosed in backticks. They do not support escape sequences The raw string literals can be useful for multiline strings or strings that include many special characters like HTML code or regular expressions.

Here’s an example of a plain string literal:

message := "They said\n\"Go is awesome!\"."Code language: Go (go)

In this string, Go converts \n to the newline character and escapes the double quotes ":

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    message := "They said\n\"Go is awesome!\"."
}Code language: Go (go)


They said: 
"Go is awesome".Code language: Go (go)

It’s equivalent to the following raw string literal:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    message := `They said: 
"Go is awesome".`
}Code language: Go (go)


They said: 
"Go is awesome".Code language: Go (go)

Getting length

The built-in len() function returns the number of bytes required to represent Unicode characters in a string:

message := "elite"
fmt.Println(len(message))Code language: Go (go)


5Code language: Go (go)

If a string includes characters other than ASCII, the len() function may return a number that is higher than the number of characters in the string. For example:

message := "élite"
fmt.Println(len(message))Code language: Go (go)


6Code language: Go (go)

In this example, the string "élite" has 5 characters but 6 bytes.

Accessing characters

To access individual characters in a string, you use index notation:

string[index]Code language: Go (go)

Note that this returns the byte at the given index. String uses zero-based indexing, meaning that the first index is zero.

For example:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    message := "elite"
}Code language: Go (go)


101Code language: Go (go)

101 is the Unicode value of the character 'e'. To show the character, you can use the Printf function from the fmt package:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    message := "elite"
}Code language: Go (go)


eCode language: Go (go)

Concatenating strings

To concat two strings into a single string, you use the + operator. For example:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    message := "Hi" + " Bob"
}Code language: Go (go)


Hi BobCode language: Go (go)

Comparing strings

To compare two strings, you use comparison operators such as ==, !=, <=, >, >=, <:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    name := "Joe"
    result := name == "Joe" // true
}Code language: Go (go)


Hi BobCode language: Go (go)

Converting strings and other types

To convert between strings and values of other types, you use functions from the strconv package. For example, the following illustrates how to convert an integer (200) to a string:

package main

import (

func main() {
    i := 200
    str := strconv.Itoa(i)
    fmt.Println(str) // Output: 200
}Code language: Go (go)


200Code language: Go (go)

String functions

The strings package includes many useful string functions for working with strings effectively. Here are some common ones:

package main

import (

func main() {
    str := "Hi there!"

    // Contains
    fmt.Println(strings.Contains(str, "there")) // Output: true

    // Count
    fmt.Println(strings.Count(str, "e")) // Output: 2

    // HasPrefix
    fmt.Println(strings.HasPrefix(str, "H")) // Output: true

    // HasSuffix
    fmt.Println(strings.HasSuffix(str, "!")) // Output: true

    // Index
    fmt.Println(strings.Index(str, "there")) // Output: 3

    // ToUpper
    fmt.Println(strings.ToUpper(str)) // Output: HI THERE!

    // ToLower
    fmt.Println(strings.ToLower(str)) // Output: hi there!
}Code language: Go (go)


  • Strings are immutable sequences of bytes, which represent text in Go.
  • Plain string literals are enclosed in double quotes while raw string literals are enclosed in backtick.
  • Use the + operator to concatenate strings
  • len(string) returns the number of bytes of the string.
  • Use comparison operators to compare two strings.
  • Use functions from the strconv package to convert strings to values of other types.
  • Use functions from the strings package to manipulate strings.
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